Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History

Who Built America? surveys the nation’s past to show the role that working people played in the making of modern America and the transformations wrought by the changing nature and forms of work. Explore more than 2000 historical documents in the History Matters Repository, read Historians Disagree essays written by prominent scholars, watch documentary films, and take A Closer Look at select topics. Use My WBA? to create shareable collections for use as course packets, assignments, or presentations. Produced by the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Image: Rohr Barn Raising, 1888, from the collection of The Massillon Museum
Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History
- Volume 1
- Preface
- Part I: Colonization and Revolution, 1492-1815
- Chapter 1: A Meeting of Three Worlds: Europe, Africa, and American Colonization, 1492-1680
- Chapter 2: Servitude, Slavery, and the Growth of the Southern Colonies, 1620-1760
- Chapter 3: Family Labor and the Growth of the Northern Colonies, 1640-1760
- Chapter 4: Toward Revolution, 1750-1776
- Chapter 5: Revolution, Constitution, and the People, 1776-1815
- Part II: Free Labor and Slavery, 1790-1850
- Part III: War, Reconstruction, and Labor, 1848-1877
- Preface
- Volume 2
- Part I: Monopoly and Upheaval, 1877-1914
- Chapter 1: Progress and Poverty: Industrial Capitalism in the Gilded Age, 1877-1893
- Chapter 2: Community and Conflict: Working People Respond to Industrial Capitalism, 1877-1893
- Chapter 3: From Depression to Expansion: Industrial Capitalism Triumphs at Home and Abroad, 1893-1900
- Chapter 4: Change and Continuity in Daily Life, 1900-1914
- Chapter 5: Radicals and Reformers in the Progressive Era, 1900-1914
- Part II: War, Depression, and Industrial Unionism, 1914-1946
- Part III: Cold War America – And After, 1946-2016
- Part IV: A Fragmented Nation, 1989-2021
- Part I: Monopoly and Upheaval, 1877-1914
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