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Tweets of Solidarity About How to Deal with Tear Gas

Background: As Ferguson protesters tweeted about police retaliation in real time, their posts garnered international attention. In this Twitter thread, two Palestinian activists tweeted advice about how to treat tear gas exposure and offered solidarity.

@TefPoe: The police have gone completely rogue

@ TefPoe: All main roads are shut down.

@Nettaaaaaaaa Military war tactics have started. Tear gas and rubber bullets, again. 5 nights in a row. #Ferguson #STL #MikeBrown

@MiriamBarghouti Always make sure to run against the wind/to keep calm when you’re teargassed, the pain will pass, don’t rub your eyes! #Ferguson Solidarity

@Rajaiabukhalil And of course DON’T wash your eyes with water

Source: Whose Streets,