Testimony of John Enno in sodomy trial of Nicholas Sension
Background: In 1677 Nicholas Sension, a prominent businessman and community leader in Windsor, Connecticut, appeared before the General Court to refute local gossip and charges of sodomy. Sension struggled to control his aggressions and reconcile his sexuality in accordance with his Puritan faith. During his trial, many neighbors and acquaintances testified that Sension had made repeated sexual advances to men in Windsor, especially toward young men who were in a lower class. Witnesses also revealed that Sension used his money and political position to buy silence. John Enno, a young laborer, once stayed in Sension’s house, and testified against Sension on May 29, 1677.
Nicholas Sension spake to me to lodge at his house. Daniel Saxton coming [to stay over as well] when that night I lodged with him, Nicholas Sension came into the next room and came to Daniel Saxton and took off the [bed] clothes from off Daniel when the said Daniel was asleep and lay down by him and caused the bed to rock much and then rose up and kneeled on the chest and wiped something off from Daniel. And then he went to the next room to prayer, and prayed to God to turn him from this wicked sin that he had lived in a long time. Further, I testify that I have many times seen the foresaid Nicholas Sension lie by Nathaniel Pond’s side on the bed. Also another time I lay with Nathaniel Pond and toward morning the foresaid Nicholas came to the bedside and uncovered me and seeing that it was me he went to the other side of the bed and turned up the [bed] clothes and lay down by Nathaniel Pond. And further, Nicholas Sension desired me to say nothing of these things for one thousand pounds because they [that is, we] were neighbors. Sworn in court May 29, 1677, attests John Allyn, Secretary.
Source: Public Records of the Colony of Connecticut, 1:294; Records of the Particular Court of Connecticut, 1639–1663 (Hartford: Connecticut Historical Society, 1928).