New Moral Menace to Our Youth, by Ralph H. Major, Jr.
Background: As Congressional committees investigated and denounced LGBTQ+ employees as subversives, the news media and popular magazines picked up and expanded the story to the general public. The so-called threat to national security became viewed as a threat to American values and family life. This excerpt from an article from Coronet, a national monthly magazine, claimed to be a comprehensive overview of the topic.
In printing this article, CORONET seeks to demolish a long-standing taboo against a frank and factual discussion of homosexuality. Qualified editors and researchers spent six months collecting material, interviewing authorities, and evaluating information. The result is a significant survey of the entire subject as it endangers the youth of American—the most comprehensive such survey ever to be published in a national magazine.
Behind a wall erected by apathy, ignorance, and a reluctance to face facts, a sinister threat to American youth is fast developing. Unlike disease and crime, this threat, until very recently, was seldom discussed in public; its existence was acknowledged only in whispers – and in sordid police and prison records. Not since the see-no-evil-hear-no-evil attitude toward syphilis has there been such an example of public refusal to grapple with a serious problem—in this case, the problem of homosexuality.
Although more than 8,000,000 Americans today are actual or potential homosexuals, it took a ballyhooed Congressional investigation to put homosexuality in the headlines, however inadequately. In words spoken more to alarm than to inform, Senator Joseph McCarthy last spring charged the State Department with employing a large number of homosexuals. In fact, subsequent findings disclosed that 91 such persons had been fired from the Department. But never was a sober attempt made to analyze the nature of these men who, because of sexual deviations, were labeled “bad security risks.”
Usually, homosexuals rate mention in the press only when they are involved in crimes. And yet, psychiatrists point out, they become the concern of the law only in extreme cases. Despite the awareness of doctors and social workers to this danger to American youth, prejudice and prudery have conspired to keep the truth from the public.
Unfortunately, in the case of this menace, it is difficult to arrive at the truth. For example, to assemble the facts in this article, CORONET interviewed sociologists, psychiatrists, clergymen, educators and prison officers—and homosexuals themselves. During this process one important and basic fact emerged; so little has been written about this subject that many people are unaware a danger exists, or even more significantly, that homosexuality is rapidly increasing throughout American today. . . .
While medicine is making progress in solving the riddle of homosexuality, chief responsibility for preventive action rests with the public. Homosexuality may be a disease, a condition, a criminal offense or a mortal sin. Nevertheless, steps must be taken now to protect American youth from an ever-growing peril.
Every psychologist, sociologist and educator queried in CORONET’S survey stressed one point: “More than anyone else, parents are responsible for erasing the threat of homosexuality.” since parental attitudes and home environment are fundamental to healthy adolescent development, mothers and fathers should combat homosexuality and sympathetic understanding.
“I have met very few perverts who come from happy homes,” a famous doctor told CORONET.
Here are some suggestions from experts on how parents may protect their children against homosexuality and its converts:
- Sex education begins at home. Instruct boys and girls as early as possible in the knowledge of normal sex practices.
- Encourage your children to bring their sex problems and questions to you.
- Know your children’s friends; have them invited to your home where you can observe their conduct and personalities.
- Urge children to exercise caution in speaking to strangers; especially, instruct them never to accompany strangers anywhere without your permission.
- Investigate your children’s schools, camps, social clubs, and athletic organizations. Do not be afraid to ask frank questions of the adult leaders in charge. Bring to their attention any reports you may have heard of homosexuality within such a group.
In the history of modern society, there have been few menaces that frank and open discussion, coupled with intelligent action, have failed to eliminate. Once venereal disease was finally placed under the spotlight of public scrutiny, doctors found their task easier; today the dread evil is on the way to extinction. Likewise, national awareness to the problem of sex crimes resulted in the adoption of legal measures to stamp out this threat.
Now a new menace—homosexuality—has arisen. And again, the primary challenge is to mothers and fathers. Through knowledge of the facts, plus a concerted attack, the sinister shadow of sexual perversion can be removed from the pathway of America’s youth.
Source: Coronet, September 1950, pp. 101–8.