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Lyrics: “Darktown Is Out Tonight”

Background: Similar to the use of blackface, Black lyricists and performers often included dialect in their song lyrics to conform to racist performance practices and attract a white audience. But as these lyrics by Paul Laurence Dunbar and Will Marion Cook for “Darktown Is Out Tonight” illustrate, the verses present a different narrative than the chorus and speak more directly to Black audiences.

Darktown Is Out Tonight, 1894


And there’ll be coons a-prancin’, swell coons a-dancin’

Tough coons who’ll want to fight; so bring long yo blazahs,

Fetch out yo’ razahs, Darktown is out Tonight!


Hey dere, Sal, Comeon gal, Jine dis promenade;

Tek my ahm, What’s de harm? Needn’t be afraid!

Dar’s ole Dan – Watch dat man, comin’ down the line.

Dat ole coon, Hot-tah’n June, Longin’ sweatin’ time.

Howdy do? Hope dat you joy yose’f immense!

Rekon Bess Got dat dress, Off Miss Lucy’s fence.

Clear de paf! Needn’t laf, Dat’ll be all right!

White fo’ks yo’ Got no sho’! Dis huh’s Darktown night.

Source: New York Public Library Digital Collections, Music Division, American Popular Songs, Sheet Music,